Reservation Stays

How can I make a special request?

Got some special requests in mind for your upcoming stay? We're all ears, and we're here to explain how it works.

Adding Your Touch: When you're all set to make your booking payment, keep an eye out for the chance to add any special requests. Whether it's a room with a view, extra pillows, or a surprise for a special occasion, we're here to make your stay just right.

We Pass It On: Once you've shared your requests, we'll take the reins and send them straight to the hotel. Think of us as your personal messenger, ensuring your wishes reach the right ears.

A Little Note: It's important to keep in mind that while we're all about making magic happen, special requests are subject to the hotel's approval and availability. We'll give it our all, but we can't wave a wand and guarantee everything.

So, dream big, add those requests, and let's work together to make your stay unforgettable. Ready to make your mark on your journey? Let's make it happen!