Reservation Stays

How do I get my confirmation email?

Hey there, booking champ! Wondering about that all-important confirmation email? We've got you covered with the scoop on how it all works.

Booking Confirmation: Every time you lock in a booking with us, we've got your back with a confirmation email. This email is your golden ticket, your proof that your booking is set and ready to roll.

Can't Find It? No Sweat: If that confirmation email seems to be playing hide and seek in your inbox, or if you need it to be resent, don't sweat it! Just shoot us an email at Our friendly Support team is on standby, ready to lend a hand.

Change of Plans? We're Here: Oh, and if you need to update your email address for confirmation, we're here for that too. Our Support champs will gladly assist you with any changes or questions you might have.

Consider that confirmation email your personal high-five from us. Ready to explore? Let's do this!