Reservation Stays

Why is the hotel trying to charge me when I check out?

Running into a hiccup during check-out? No problemo! Just give us a call at 1-888-861-8331, and our super Support squad will be all over it like champs.

Our agents are like experts in turning frowns upside down. They've got the skills to tackle situations like these and won't rest until things are back on track and shining.

Now, it's important to note that while we've got your back, we can't cover charges incurred during your stay that weren't included in the room fee. Think room service, mini bar indulgences, or any accidental damages – those little extras aren't within our superhero powers.

Rest assured, dear traveler, we're here to advocate for you and make sure everything gets sorted. Trust in ReservationStays, and let's get this resolved together!