Reservation Stays

What is the confirmation voucher for?

About the Voucher

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty about your Voucher – your ultimate reservation guide!

Your Voucher is like a treasure map loaded with essential info about your stay. It spills the beans on the hotel's address, check-in and check-out dates, those sneaky resort fees, hotel deposits, and all the juicy details.

We've got your back to make sure this info is spot-on, but every now and then, the hotel might surprise us with some extra fees or deposits not mentioned. If you're itching for more info on the hotel's fee rules, reach out to them directly.

Now, where to snag this treasure:

How do I find my Voucher?

1. Easy peasy! Just pop open the attachment in your confirmation email, and there's your Voucher.

2. You can also find it by clicking the 'Print Here' button in the 'How to Check-In' section of your confirmation email.

3. And guess what? The Voucher isn't camera-shy. Catch a glimpse of it on the confirmation page by hitting the 'View Voucher' button in the 'How to Check-In' section.

Your adventure is just around the corner, and your Voucher is your trusty guide. Ready to dive in and explore? Let's make those plans a reality!