Reservation Stays

How do I cancel my booking?

We understand that plans change and you may need to cancel your booking. To find details about your specific cancellation policy, please refer to the bottom of your Confirmation Page, which was emailed to you upon successful booking.

If your booking falls under a refundable category, you have two options for cancellation:

1. Refer to your booking confirmation email and locate the cancellation option. Click on that link to proceed.

If you'd like to speak directly to our customer service team, please feel free to call us at 1-888-861-8331.

Now, on to a more serious topic—non-refundable bookings or reservations that are past the allowable refund date. Unfortunately, these bookings are set in stone and cannot be altered or refunded. If your travel plans are subject to change, we recommend opting for more flexible booking options.

For your convenience, the cancellation policy for non-refundable bookings is clearly outlined on our Confirmation Page:

Stay in the loop and cancel like a pro – we're here whenever you need us!