Reservation Stays

Hotel Inquiries: Property Information

Do you have a specific question about your hotel stay? While we're dedicated to offering you the finest hotel choices, we suggest reaching out to the hotel directly for any specific inquiries. We understand that the little details count, and making sure your stay aligns with your expectations is our utmost concern.


Here are some common questions you may want to ask:


  • Pool: Interested in the pool? Find out about availability and hours.
  • Pet Policy: Traveling with a pet? Understand the pet policy and any associated fees.
  • Laundry: Need laundry services? Discover available options.
  • In-Room Amenities: Wondering about room amenities? Get a list of what's available.
  • Hotel Amenities: Want to explore the hotel's offerings? Find an overview.
  • Parking: Questions about parking? Learn about availability and fees.
  • Location: Need specifics about the hotel's location? Get precise information.
  • Special Requests: Have unique needs or special requests? The hotel staff is ready to assist.


To help you find the answers you need, consider the following options:


1Review Your Booking Confirmation Email: Click on 'View Reservation Online' in your booking confirmation email under 'Booking Details'. Here, you can access essential information about your hotel, including the hotel's address, star rating, booking ID, and more. 

And guess what? You can even share these details with a friend or refer them to enjoy a fantastic 10% discount on their first booking.

If you want to review the hotel information again after booking, you can also click "book again" to be taken back to the main hotel page, where you will find all the available hotel information once more.


2. Contact the Hotel Directly: If you have specific questions about your stay, such as room preferences or special requests, don't hesitate to call the hotel directly. You can find the hotel's contact number in your booking confirmation email.


3. Perform a Quick Online Search: You can also double-check information by conducting an online search for the specific hotel. This can be another way to ensure you have the most up-to-date details. Just make sure to confirm any information with the hotel directly. 


Enjoy your stay!