Reservation Stays

What is excluded from the Refundable Terms?

Looking for some clarity on what's refundable? We're here to help! Here are some details:

  • If your situation isn't covered in the T&Cs and doesn't qualify as an unforeseen or emergency circumstance, it might not be eligible for a refund. For a rundown of generic exclusions, take a peek at our Terms and Conditions section labeled "Specific reasons where refunds will not be provided."

  • Now, while we can't provide an exhaustive list of exclusions due to the flexible nature of "emergency circumstances," rest assured that "I don't want to attend" or "don't feel like attending" typically won't fly as valid reasons for a refund.

  • Keep in mind that Refundable Terms don't come into play if the operator or organizer cancels the booking or event. These terms are specifically designed to cover personal unforeseen and emergency circumstances that might keep you from attending.

Got questions? Our aim is to clarify and support, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need more info!